WCBC Native/Non-native Plant List

by Gayle Mercurio

A couple of years ago I undertook the daunting task of identifying the native and non-native plants in the WCBC plant database. The database contains over 2,000 species of plants that have been identified on our hikes over the past 20+ years. After many interruptions and re-starts, I have finally completed the task and the list is posted here. The list is meant to be helpful to indicate which plants are native to our area. Nature has placed these plants here for a purpose and for our enjoyment. The list is not meant to be written in stone but rather a reference to be corrected, changed, and added to when necessary.

In addition to identifying native and non-native plants, plants are also identified as being predominately in the mountains and plants that are threatened, endangered or rare. Several websites were used for reference before marking each plant. The ones marked “predominantly found in the mountains” does not mean they cannot be found in other areas. However, if an abundance was found elsewhere, it was not marked as “predominately in the mountains”.

Included are threatened and endangered indicators that can change and vary according to different references. Endangered plants are important, and our club does not disturb or disclose the location of these protected plants. Rare plants are also noted.

All this information helps us to be better informed and good stewards of our amazingly unique environment.

Links to non-native plant pictures can be found here:

Flora of Henderson County Walkways – Non-native Trees & Shrubs

Non-Native Flora of Henderson County Walkways

More Non-native Plants!